Howdy. Zak's the name. This is my little space on the web. I post on nothing in particular. Check out my about page to get the gist of what you might find. I'm playing around with the styling at the moment so bear with me while I figure this all out.

Recent posts

Aug 13, 2024: Not a bad run commute this evening. Spring is in the air. #running

Aug 7, 2024: Allocate Smartly Trading Update For the past 12 months I have invested a portion of my capital using the Allocate Smartly tactical asset allocation free subscription. On the last …

Aug 4, 2024: About me: running I’ve been running now for 15 years, starting in 2009, seven years after my school years. In school I was naturally ok at the 800m and …

Aug 1, 2024: General shit Went back to work today. Took annual leave on Mon/Tues and sick yesterday. Made it only a few hours today, then came home coughing and spluttering. …

Jul 30, 2024: Snow run out the back of Arrowtown (Miner’s trail). Also, I’m sick. Probably shouldn’t have done that, but I needed to check, and …

Recent photos

last week's elevation profile
