Last update: 31 July 2024

Welcome to the bogroll. This page contains a rolling list of links to pages on the web (blogs, sites, articles, whatever) that I have found interesting. Maybe tackle one while you’re on the throne.

The format here is heavily based on the “postroll” method. For some more eloquent writing on what a “postroll” is, and why this form resonates with me more than say a blogroll or links page, refer to:

37. ~pgadey’s µ-blog
Cool micro-blog. Unfortunately the RSS feed doesn’t pull the content in.

36. GNU Recutils
A set of tools and libraries to access human-editable, plain text databases called recfiles. With my new exploration of the command line I’d really like to give this a go. I’m think about making a database for my vege growing.

35. SOFA: Start Often Finish rArely | Start Often Fuck Achievements by dozens

The point of SOFA club is to start as many things as possible as you have the ability, interest, and capacity to, with no regard or goal whatsoever for finishing those projects.

Love it!

34. Advice for people who want to learn Linux by Ramin Honary
I’ve started using Linux on my old Acer laptop. Some good tips in here. Hoping in time I will understand all the gibberish.

33. Best Ways to Watch YouTube Videos by Nguyễn Gia Phong
I’m using uBlock Origin, but wow, people are doing some amazing things to avoid the negative sides of hostile, tracker-riddled hellscapes. I really appreciate posts like this to help guide my own methods.

32. Stumbled into Linux by spelk
I haven’t gone down the Linux path but I am being drawn in. With inspo the #OldComputerChallenge under way, and an old laptop at the ready I am thinking of giving it a crack. I enjoyed this post on spelk’s early experiences with Linux and feeling like a fish out of water, but the rewards soon showed. On a side, check out 82MHz’s #OldComputerChallenge post on some possibilities in this environment. This is all beyond my skill levels, but very cool.

31. The importance of following Smolweb guidelines by Adële
I like the principles of the smolweb movement (another new term to me). I have a long way to go, but enjoy ticking small things off on my journey. I’d like to focus on how I handle images next. This is a great landing page for inspiration.

30. The Power of Environment: How External Factors Shape Our Inner World by The Path Less Travelled

While acceptance of what we cannot change is vital, co-creating a supportive external reality is essential for deeper fulfillment and alignment with our true selves.

I’ve moved 3 times in my life to significantly different places, including country. All felt right, realigning to the current me, and opened worlds of new possibilities. This is a fantastic write up of some of the reasoning and feelings that I resonated with at those times.

29. Blogroll Network Map - Feed List by Robert Alexander
That is a lot of blogs. The network map is amazing too, but a little slow to navigate.

28. Gora Bobash-Ata by Sean O’Rourke
A peak bagging scramble in Kyrgyzstan, resulting in a big fall. Reminder to always have your emergency beacon at the ready, which Sean did, but was luckily able to make the conscious decision to make his way back to safety on a battered body. Good read, and he has so many more posts on all his adventures which I’ve been enjoying reading. What a life!

27. Upleveling Freedom by Matias

Despite lacking an intellectual grasp of the concept, I sensed something was off in how I was growing up. I loved many activities and had various talents, but the rigidity of the social systems around me prevented me from expressing and enhancing them. I felt caged. Later in life, I realized that all I was seeking was the freedom to express those parts of myself.

Explores different types of freedom, questions to ponder and ways forward.

26. A reminder to take a walk and breathe by JCProbably
Title says it all.

25. When the world went quiet by Andreas
On the brief relief the world received during the initial Covid lockdowns. If only we could have a week a year to remind ourselves what it could be like to be without non-essentials.

24. Re: To Blogroll, or to not? by Steve
A response to JCProbably’s post on blogrolls and postrolls. These public thoughts help me land my own way forward.

The below were from my Junited list, which I’ve included here as the concept is similar to a postroll.

23. An Adventure in Space and Time (with Harold Lloyd) (substack) by Eoghan Walsh
A little room in Brussels doubling as a time machine.

22. Pub crawling as a way to practice psychogeography (substack) by Boak & Bailey

We ended up in lots of places we wouldn’t otherwise have visited, looking at much more besides pubs.

Not a bad way to spend a day. I like the list at the end of the post on what to look out for when doing the pub crawl. I’m reminded of all the pubs I visited across NSW when I was surveying. They all had so much character, built from many stories specific to each place.

21. Teejay’s blog
Many many photos of fronts of buildings with a story behind a lot of them, with some other bits and pieces scattered in.

20. Sending a Flag to Alaska by Nathan
Never been into geocaching, but I like the idea of these trackable ones. Watch it travel across the world.

19. 23/06/2024 by Colin Walker
A reminder to take a different path every now and then. Nothing deep here but I like these general day-to-day posts. Quack.

18. Chris Nadovich’s TransAmerica Bike Tour 09 by Chris Nadovich
I love the simplicity of this blog and the effort put in to add KML files, map pins and weather links.

17. Disposing of a dead body by lordmatt
A very useful guide. Pinned to the top of my resource bookmarks.
This was an article written by lordmatt over at

16. Create a space for your keys by Nathaniel

Create a dedicated space for your keys by your home’s entryway — a space just for your keys and nothing else — maybe in a bowl, or on a hook.

This just rings GTD, Tom Sachs and the Neistat brothers. I love these practical betterments popping up in my feed. Regarding this one, although I have a space for my keys, it’s not in such a strategic spot as my home’s entryway. I have a project on the cards to build a home command center in an ideal spot. It will house:

  • keys
  • wallet
  • pen and paper
  • any books I'm reading
  • mail I need to action
  • calendar
Good reminder.

15. The Heavyweight Client in Public Space by CPG

As social amenity, public space in urban areas can be convivial social environments for fusion. City streetscapes are the scene for vibrant happenings made by populations inspired to perpetuate a collective pulse.

A well written piece on public spaces.

14. Images of the Road by David Johnson
Yep, its not always about the destination. I like the analogy back to time.

13. Community Code Jam #4: Destination Vacation
Ok, it’s not a blog but I’m watching intently as it fits perfectly with my Junited theme of location/place. Looking forward to seeing what’s submitted.

12. It’s a Dream World by Kelson
Same place, different time. Spot the difference.

11. Incandescence by balfarg
I know nothing about stone circles, and although the sky did not land an eventful shadowing on the occasions he visited, the author’s writing got me very interested in “archaeoastronomical observations”. I hope in my travels I will come across a stone circle so I can observe a sunrise or sunset and see what it brings.

10. Elizabeth Way Roundabout: Brutality on the Eastern Gate by Mr. H
With major developments on the cards for the area, the author ventures out to capture a moment in time at places that may get an overhaul. I love how unique these written words are to place, time and author.

9. Losing interest in organizing things by Jack Baty
I concur. For my main note-taking app, Obsidian, files and folders once had their specific place, but as I lost interest in the time spent managing a filing system and I just wanted to get on capturing and moving on, I moved towards simply relying on searching and tags. This page itself is stored in the main folder amongst 100s of other notes. I just hit CTRL-SHIFT-F, start typing “Junited” and there it is. I can feel my other files and folders getting a bit like this too. OneCommander is a great file explorer that I find enhances the navigation experience.

8. Eyre Peak 30 October - 1 November 2017 by Neil Sloan
Another well captioned photography blog I found while planning another mission. I find these writeups so useful!

7. Enchaining New Zealand’s 3000m Peaks in 31 Days by Alastair McDowell

It’s hard to describe the emotions on that final summit, because there were none. Despite the glorious, windless evening, I felt devoid of any feeling. I was simply too tired. We were also confused. Jetlagged. Aoraki was just over there, we could see it clearly. Two days ago, we were there. Now we were here. Everything had worked. Feelings would come later.

Alastair McDowell’s writeup of his epic mission with mate Hamish Fleming. Accompanying interview with author Ray Salisbury which includes some footage:

6. Tara Tama Traverse by Caroline Bellamy
Found this blog and vlog while planning a mission in the same area. I’ve had two missions out this way and it is tough going. The scrub bashing and creek crossings shown in the video felt familiar. Alastair McDowell, one of NZ’s most accomplished mountaineers, was part of this party so you know it’ll be a good one.

5. Springtime in Alpine Meadows by Franz Graf
I enjoy Franz’s write ups and the photography. Makes we want to visit Germany. That shot of the Karwendel range in the backdrop 👌 It’s nice to see opposite seasons at the other end of the world.

4. Web Manifesto by Daryl Sun

It is my hope that someday, once my bones have turned to dust, someone in the future will find archives of this blog, and have glimpses of this time, this place, this life that I have lived.

I like this idea of leaving a breadcrumb of existence on the web. How cool to know your ancestors 100 years from now can get to know the you by reading through your blog.

3. Peaks and pass’s, the Alps of Kyrgystan by Nathan Dahlberg
Just a cool bunch of photos bike-packing through Kyrgystan mountains.

2. Third places and meetups by Juha-Matti Santala
On “third places”. Juhis talks about meetups as third places. Might be a stretch, but the mountains are my third place. I read this not long after I was thinking about how when I run the local trails I regularly end up having a good yarn with someone. I feel like its a social outing even though I run solo. A bit like going to the pub without announcing it, knowing you’ll run into someone.

1. Spring tune-up + ride by Rachel J. Kwon
After giving her bike some TLC Rachel takes it out for a spin. Just a fun write up with cool snaps along the way. Also accompanied by a map 👌