When you bulk export your Strava data you’ll receive a zip file of:

  • .gpx
  • .fit.gz
  • .tcx.gz files.

To get them all into gpx format follow these steps.

Extract the .gz files

  1. Bulk extract .gz files using 7-zip. 7-zip allows you to select all files and extract them all in one go.

Convert .fit files to .gpx (requires Python)

  1. Install the fit2gpx python library Type pip install fit2gpx into command line (as admin). Note fit2gpx can also do the extracting in step 1 if not done already (see documentation)
  2. Run the code from Python IDE:
    from fit2gpx import StravaConverter
    DIR_STRAVA = 'C:/strava_bulk_export_parent_folder/'
    strava_conv = StravaConverter(
  3. Converted files will be in the activities_gpx folder.

Convert .tcx files to .gpx (requires node.js)

  1. Download/clone tcx-to-gpx-converter to a folder.
  2. Type npm install into the command line from the folder’s location.
  3. Copy the tcx files into the input folder.
  4. Type node convert.js into the command line.
  5. Converted files will be in the output folder.
