Ok, I’m in a rabbit hole of IndieWeb/SmallWeb/SmolWeb/Blogging content. There is some fantastic stuff out there. People are amazing.

Warning: Click through at your own discretion. Any of the links below might lead you down a similar rabbit hole.

With webrings, blogrolls, postrolls, links pages, linkdumps, bookmarks, little bits, inspo pages, blogging challenges, web events, categorised directories and blog directories with real humans behind them, #hashtags, search engines, there is endless wonderful content.

So yes, blogging is alive and well and the internet is fun.

There are RSS feed readers to give you control, browsers to keep it clean, blockers to keep out the shyte, software to connect.

Follow people who share good ethics, read blogs that introduce you to technical concepts.

Join in.

There are platforms to write, services to publish, guides to keep it light and accessible, resource pages to give you the tools to build, trigger lists for post ideas, and beyond.

Be human. Be grateful.

Glad I got that out. Time to go outside.
