Weeknote 2024-W30
Gone full nerd this week. It went something like this:
- Saw @82mhz@oldbytes.space’s post on #OldComputerChallenge - triggered that I should do something with my old laptop.
- Decided to try Linux for the first time.
- Wiped Windows (no tears shed) and installed Linux Mint Cinnamon.
- Learned what CLI is - Command Line Interface - now use CLI.
- Learned what nano, vi, vim and emacs are - text editors accessible in the CLI - now use nano.
- Installed and use Taskwarrior command line task management tool.
- Installed and use the ImageMagick convert tool to edit images from the command line.
- Discovered the tildeverse.
- Learning what gopher and gemini are.
- Made a smolweb blog to learn out loud my weird and sudden smolweb, linux and command line nerdery.
- Can now blog from the command line.
This has triggered a million things I want to try. I’m not a programmer or developer by trade clearly but if I need or want to do things I can generally pick the basics up pretty quick. These things sometimes become useful at work too.
Anyway I’m a kid in a candy store right now. I am super interested in playing with the GNU Recutils plain text database management tool. Maybe I can log my vege gardening in it, hook it to a Strava API, or log my reading.
Grabbing SOFA by its horns right now - Start Often Finish rArely / Start Often Fuck Achievements.