Gone full nerd this week. It went something like this:

  1. Saw @82mhz@oldbytes.space’s post on #OldComputerChallenge - triggered that I should do something with my old laptop.
  2. Decided to try Linux for the first time.
  3. Wiped Windows (no tears shed) and installed Linux Mint Cinnamon.
  4. Learned what CLI is - Command Line Interface - now use CLI.
  5. Learned what nano, vi, vim and emacs are - text editors accessible in the CLI - now use nano.
  6. Installed and use Taskwarrior command line task management tool.
  7. Installed and use the ImageMagick convert tool to edit images from the command line.
  8. Discovered the tildeverse.
  9. Learning what gopher and gemini are.
  10. Made a smolweb blog to learn out loud my weird and sudden smolweb, linux and command line nerdery.
  11. Can now blog from the command line.

This has triggered a million things I want to try. I’m not a programmer or developer by trade clearly but if I need or want to do things I can generally pick the basics up pretty quick. These things sometimes become useful at work too.

Anyway I’m a kid in a candy store right now. I am super interested in playing with the GNU Recutils plain text database management tool. Maybe I can log my vege gardening in it, hook it to a Strava API, or log my reading.

Grabbing SOFA by its horns right now - Start Often Finish rArely / Start Often Fuck Achievements.

