• 🏃‍♂️ Went to the physio and confirmed I’ve got runner’s knees. No surprise, but good to put a name to it. To be specific, it is patellofemoral pain syndrome. Knees were strapped up for 3 days and I’ve got some light exercises to work on my vastus medialis (inner quads). I will see the physio again on Wednesday. Looking forward to implementing a long-term programme of strengthening exercises. It’s definitely something that’s been missing. Hoping to be running again soon.

  • ❤️‍🩹 Since I got COVID on 26 March, and these injuries popping up I have been putting on a little weight. I have wiggle-room, but I am a bit concerned I don’t have a handle on it. At 185cm (6'1") I find my sweet spot around 77kg (170lbs). Lately I’ve been hovering around 81kg so there’s a bit of work to do.

  • ☕ Limiting my coffee to two cups a day is going well. Tracked it while I was at it. I’ll try and throw in more single-cup days.

    • 2024-06-10 06:30 aeropress
    • 2024-06-10 09:00 instant
    • 2024-06-11 07:30 stovetop
    • 2024-06-12 06:25 z servo
    • 2024-06-12 10:00 instant
    • 2024-06-13 06:31 stovetop
    • 2024-06-13 11:40 stovetop
    • 2024-06-14 07:05 aeropress
    • 2024-06-14 10:05 aeropress
    • 2024-06-15 08:43 stovetop
    • 2024-06-15 12:39 cafe
    • 2024-06-16 10:32 stovetop
  • 💻 Played around with the dark mode colours in my website’s CSS. I’ve always liked green text on a dark background. I haven’t played with the light mode much yet, but when I get the time I’m thinking of going down the path of an oldschool yellow notepad coloured theme.

  • 📚 Been reading a lot of Junited blogs recommended by folk on Mastodon. There’s been some crackers and I’ve been updating my RSS feed accordingly, which is forming up nicely. That said, I haven’t been reading much in the way of physical books lately. I pick up The Data Storyteller’s Handbook by Kat Greenbook every now and again but it’s not drawing me in much.

  • 🏢 At work we have kicked off six sigma green belt training. It’s great to be going through this in some formal (online) classes. It is pretty fast paced and with topics like statistical analysis it requires a bit of brain power to stay on top of it. I might do some posts on certain topics to help me retain the knowledge.

  • 🌱 Things have well and truly slowed down in the garden with the colder weather rolling through. I am still harvesting plenty of rocket, silverbeet and carrot. The garlic is starting to show itself, and I’ve mulched the garlic and broad beans. The winter solstice (shortest day) is this Friday so I need to get my fruit trees pruned (and a couple more planted).

Broad beans mulched
